“They are young, personable, and they make beautiful sounds… this is a very suave outfit that has arrived on the Perth stage…
he program on Sunday revealed musicians who know their craft and how to select music that takes the audience on a journey.”
— Rosalind Appleby, Seesaw Magazine: “Suave sounds”, 23 August 2020.
“… de la Hunty’s often ethereal soprano seemed richly florid… from comic high to sonorous romance, a delicate yet full-voiced curation of trills and grace notes… Bach’s Cappriccio on the Departure of a Beloved Brother (arr. Coy) gave the ensemble full voice and avenues to humour…
A Peggy Lee jazz number, There’ll be Another Spring (arr. de la Hunty and Lukin), rocked out the set.”
— David Cusworth, The West Australian: “HIP Company’s new departure”, 25 August 2020.
“The program items unfolded like a degustation menu, each piece exquisitely crafted, its flavours all too fleeting. After this sublime sensory experience the Suite will never be the same again!”
— Rosalind Appleby, Seesaw Magazine: “Baroque dance music comes alive”, 19 May 2021.
Click here to read the full review.
“It was truly a privilege to witness the musicianship and skill inherent in this performance by the Irwin Street Collective and HIP Company, both of which are set to make a considerable contribution to Perth’s chamber music scene, if the standard of Duo is anything to go by.”
— Cate Tweedie, Limelight Magazine: “Duo (HIP Company and The Irwin Street Collective)”, 12 July 2021.
Click here to read the full review.